Poor mental health costs UK employers up to £34.9 billion each year, that is the equivalent of £1,300 for every employee in the UK workforce. This figure includes £10.6 billion in sickness absence, £21.2 billion in reduced productivity, and £3.1 billion in replacing staff who leave their jobs for mental health-related reasons (Centre for Mental Health, 2017)
But for every £1 spent by employers on mental health interventions, they get back £5 in reduced absence, presenteeism, and staff turnover (Deloitte, 2020)
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is the mental health equivalent of physical first aid, It provides participants with the skills and confidence to recognise the signs and symptoms of common mental health issues and effectively guide a person towards the right support,. Helping people develop the skills to look after their own and others' wellbeing and reduce the stigma associated with mental ill health.
This training helps to meet the recommended core standards for a healthy workplace as set out for all employers in the Government's Thriving at Work report.
The two-day Mental Health First Aid course can be run on-line or as a face-to-face course. The sessions can be delivered as two consecutive days or split up into four half day sessions. We are happy to work with you to find the optimal time for your staff to attend.
We also offer the one-day and half-day MHFA courses, Mental Health Skills for Managers, and the MHFA refresher course - please see our bookings page for more details.
As experienced trainers we can adapt the training to meet the individual needs of your business and we are happy to discuss any other training you may need around mental health and neurodiversity to help your business to succeed.
Contact us for more information and pricing, with a special discount for group bookings.